Summer Refuses To Appear Over Much Of Europe…Snow Disrupts Tour De Suisse

Where’s summer?

International Space Station photo, over the Himalaya range, near the China–India border. Symbol image. Credits: NASA

By Klimanachrichten

The German DWD Weather Service is asking itself the this question and has no summery prospects until mid-June 2024.

The unsettled, sometimes very wet and predominantly cool weather of the last few weeks will continue in the coming days. But when is an end to this general weather situation in sight and where in Europe is there currently bathing weather with summer temperatures? The general weather situation in Europe has been pretty entrenched for weeks. A constantly regenerating high-altitude trough over western and central Europe has ensured a cool and sometimes very wet weather phase. Over the past few weeks, this has led to precipitation in some areas, some of it heavy, which led to flooding in the south and south-east last week, as well as in the south-west in May.

At the weekend, a weak intermediate high pressure system ensured stable and warm early summer weather, at least in some areas. Yesterday, the summer mark of 25 degrees was reached or just exceeded in some areas, especially in the south and east in the lowlands. The front-runner was Simbach am Inn with 28.4 degrees. But even that will be over again in the coming days. The reason for this is a new extended high-altitude trough, which is gradually spreading from Scandinavia to Central Europe. Another wave of subpolar air will flow into western and central Europe on Tuesday. This will cause temperatures at 850 hPa (around 1.5 kilometers above sea level) to drop below 0 degrees in some places, meaning that highs in large parts of northwestern and central Europe will mostly be below 20 degrees in changeable weather conditions.”

  1. The cold weather also has an impact on cycling. The Tour de Suisse has to be changed because some passes are still not free of snow.

“The sixth of eight stages of the Tour de Suisse with finish in Blatten-Belalp has to be shortened. The stage that was originally planned as the queen’s stage will start on Friday, June 14, at the Goms Nordic Center in Ulrichen and will not cross any Alpine passes. Originally, the stage should have led from Locarno over the Nufenen Pass, which at 2421 meters above sea level would have been the roof of the tour, into Valais. However, because the heavy snowfall made it impossible to cross, an alternative route via the Gotthard and Furka passes was considered.”

We recently reported on the snow situation in the Alps.

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June 12, 2024 at 02:28PM

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