Olympics 2024: how extreme weather could impact Paris games

By Paul Homewood

h/t Paul Kolk


More absurd propaganda:



Simon King

Lead Weather Presenter

The summer Olympics and Paralympic games in Paris are just over a month away and there is concern about the potential effects of extreme heat.

Some parts of Europe have already registered temperatures over 40C and it is not unreasonable to suggest that elsewhere in Europe will experience heatwaves in the coming months.

In a report published on Tuesday, Lord Coe, President of World Athletics, says “climate change should increasingly be viewed as an existential threat to sport”.

Intense heat could affect the events, competitors, spectators and officials.



Somewhere in Europe might experience a heatwave? What an utterly idiotic thing for a weatherman to say! Does not the idiot know that heatwaves occur somewhere or other in the world every summer – it’s called WEATHER!

Perhaps it’s just as well they did not hold the Paris Olympics in 1911:


Crushing” heatwave of 1911

French online Le Parisien here looks back at the “crushing”, “almost uninterrupted” heatwave of 1911, which dragged 70 tortuous days from early July to mid-September.

Le Parisien writes how Paris “cooked” under the scorching heat and how “thousands of babies were lost.”

Jardin des Tuileries (Paris) in July 1911. Dressed in heavy clothing, women struggle to find relief from the intense heat in the shade. Maurice-Louis Branger, public domain image.


Not only Paris was “burning”, but so were other locations across western Europe. Le Parisien reports how temperatures soared to 40°C in Lyon, Bordeaux, and London.

For 15 days, the thermometer refused to go below 30°C

The French say that when July is hot, a cool August usually follows. But that was not the case in 1911. August was even worse: “For fifteen days in a row, the Parisian thermometer refused to go below 30°C!”

Le Parisien describes how the public turned sour against meteorologists, who had predicted the heat would soon recede and the heat nightmare would end. But that did not happen until mid-September.

41,072 dead, record mortality rate

In total the heatwave claimed more than 40,000 lives, Le Parisien reports. Parts of Paris ran out of water supplies and the dailies reported “the list of victims, mowed down by the heat or its consequences” and how “from July 23 to 29, then from August 13 to 19, mortality reached record highs.”

Le Parisien summarized: “In total, the 1911 heatwave, which lasted until mid-September, caused 41,072 deaths in France” and that most of the victims were either the elderly or babies under two years of age. Overall the tragedy saw infant mortality increase 20%.



There is a very good reason why the Olympics are held in the summer – because that is when it is hot! Previous Olympics have been held in much hotter places than Paris – Mexico , Athens and Los Angeles for instance.

As for Sebastian Coe, it is sad to see such an intelligent man spout such nonsense. An existential threat to sport? Really?

It is hardly beyond the wit of man to shift the Olympics back a few weeks if summers are too hot.

And how does he think they manage to play cricket at the Gabba in the heat of the Australian summer? Or cycle the Tour de France in mid-summer?



June 19, 2024 at 05:34AM

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