Class 4 Neatishead–Opened in Dec 2022

By Paul Homewood

You may recall me writing a couple of weeks ago about the Met Office weather station at Neatishead, Norfolk, which happened to set the highest temperature of the day in the UK at the time.

Ray Sanders discovered that it had only opened in December 2022, and asked the Met Office for its WMO classification.

They have now confirmed as Class 4, which has an error margin of 2C.

This raised a very serious issue. Why is the Met Office introducing new weather stations into its network that are of such low quality?

It is one thing using stations that have been around for decades. But surely only high quality sites should be acceptable for inclusion from now on?

Someone with a suspicious mind might think they are deliberately adding these junk sites simply to make current UK temperatures artificially higher!

I have an FOI out now, which asks for start dates for all stations, so we can see just how many new ones there really are.

We do already know, of course, that the Met Office has been busy adding new sites in recent years which record much higher wind speeds (Needles, Brizlee Wood etc), and much higher rainfall (Honister).

And this is the same Met Office which still refuses to correct the fake information fed to the BBC one of their senior meteorologists in January, that storms are more intense because of climate change.


June 20, 2024 at 08:29AM

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