UK High Temperature At Chertsey–Amid A Field Of Solar Panels!

By Paul Homewood


More sleuthing from Ray Sanders!




Chertsey is officially a Class 3 site, accurate to 1C. But as Ray reveals the weather station is slap bang in the middle of a field of solar panels.



There are 1820 panels at Chertsey:



As you would guess, solar panels get extremely hot when the sun shines. And that heat quickly warms up the atmosphere above it. It is hard to think of a worse place to stick a weather station.

The solar farm began operations in 2022, and Ray has asked the Met Office whether their Class 3 assessment was made before or after this. But the solar panels will have caused a step up in temperatures.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the siting issues which we have identified recently are not just one-offs. The whole of the Met Office’s temperature recording network is infested with glaring problems to such an extent that its UK temperature dataset is being seriously inflated as a result.

We clearly can no longer trust the Met Office to address these quality issues.There is a pressing need for a truly independent review of their methodology and quality control. And when I say independent, that is exactly what I mean – not a repeat of the Climategate whitewash.



The video is a rather smug piece of virtue signalling. In fact, Affinity Water are not interested in reducing emissions. It clearly makes good business sense to build your own generation system, thereby cutting out the middleman. In their case, that means not paying their share of all of the network costs, environmental levies etc.

The simple fact remains that they will still need the grid to supply electricity when their wonderful solar panels can’t.

If they really want to go green, how about turning off the grid supply completely?


June 26, 2024 at 09:19AM

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