No net zero: Reform’s manifesto launch

The Reform party knows a lot of people don’t believe in climate policies, or at least not the current UK ones. They have no measurable effect, cost far too much via large levies on fuel bills, and disfigure ever larger areas of land. There’s also strong resistance to being pushed ever further towards electric vehicles, heat pumps and so on, when more familiar, affordable and satisfactory alternatives have been in use for decades.
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Nigel Farage positioned Reform as the main opposition force to Labour as he unveiled a manifesto that included big cuts on tax and spending, reports City AM.
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The end of net zero

Farage also used his speech as an opportunity to brand the UK’s policy to get to net zero by 2050 as “destructive”.

Pledging to scrap all net zero subsidies, and “fast track” North Sea oil licences, he claimed the current direction of travel on helping the environment was in fact working directly against the interests of voters.

Full report here.

via Tallbloke’s Talkshop

June 18, 2024 at 08:51AM

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