Propaganda Flip: Renewables Cult Claim They Never Said Wind & Solar Would Be Cheap

The wind and solar industries are struggling to win the hearts and minds of householders and businesses being belted by skyrocketing power prices. Built on lies and run on subsidies, it comes as no surprise that the truth about heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind and solar would eventually work its way to the surface.

In Orwell’s 1984, whenever Winston Smith and his brethren at the Ministry of Truth happened upon a piece of reportage that included an inconvenient (past) fact for Big Brother and The Party, it was surgically removed from the book or article and sent for incineration down the ‘memory hole’. And, so it is with the wind and sun cult, as they try to rewrite history by claiming that they never, ever said that wind and solar power would be cheap.

Not so very long ago, the media hacks and shills were uniform in their exhortations about how cheap wind and solar were and how (in the not-too-distant future) power consumers would have power at prices magnitudes below what they were being forced to pay for the stuff generated by coal and gas. Taking every glib opportunity to remind us that the ‘wind and sun are free’.

Now that we’re well on our way to an all wind and sun-powered future, it’s become impossible for propagandists to bury the fact that retail power prices didn’t fall, as promised. To the contrary, they’ve risen at double-digit rates every year, for more than a decade.

The team from Jo Nova single out one of them, Peter Lewis for special attention. Lewis was caught out recently attempting to send his earlier (and wildly optimistic) prognostications down the memory hole, as detailed below.

People don’t believe renewables are cheap any more, so activists pretend they never said it was
Jo Nova Blog
Jo Nova
26 April 2024

We are at the beginning of the big-flip. The activist pundits are suddenly realizing that renewables aren’t cheap and worse, that the public know it. Without blinking, they’re switching from telling us how cheap renewables are to saying of course, it’s going to be difficult, like everyone knows this and they haven’t been completely wrong for twenty years and wasted trillions of dollars.

They hope of course to erase the past, skip the apology, and slide the public straight into acceptance — that the transition will cost more, of course.

Take Peter Lewis, of Essential Polling. He writes snidely in The Guardian:

Here’s the truth: energy transition is hard. Not everyone gets a pony 
The climate crisis has long been defined by its lies: From the original sin of science denial, to Tony Abbott’s confected carbon tax panic, to the latest yellowcake straw man. But the most damaging porky of all might be that the transition to renewable energy will be easy.

Did you see what he did there? He blamed and named conservatives and then pretends they were the ones selling the lie that the transition would be easy? It’s writing like this that makes The Guardian the tabloid trash can of history. The most damaging porky may well be that wind and solar would be cheap, but it was a progressive fantasy and Mr Lewis himself was practically on the sales team. Pity he doesn’t have the honesty to admit it.

Here’s the same Peter Lewis in 2017 — smug, wrong, and condescending to the end

Clean energy is plummeting in cost, and the smart technology solutions that will make it work are proving themselves. The coal club can huff and puff but it’s too late to blow the renewable house down.

The new reformed Peter Lewis now says the transition is “hugely disruptive”:

Both gloss over the hard truth that fundamentally changing the way Australia produces, shares and uses energy is hugely disruptive, particularly in the regions where new infrastructure is earmarked for land and sea.

Given Peter Lewis’s childishly patronizing attitude, and dishonesty, we have to wonder how biased are those “Essential Polls”?

The reason he’s flipped is that the latest polls show most people don’t believe renewables are cheap anymore:

And, as this week’s Guardian Essential Report shows, one of the fundamental building blocks driving this narrative is unstable: people don’t believe renewables are cheaper.

When asked to rank energy sources in order of cost, renewables are rated the most expensive. Fossil fuels are seen as a cheaper solution, while nuclear is preferred by those who don’t support the transition anyway.

Back in 2015 fully 47% of the voters, or almost half, thought renewables were the cheapest source of electricity, but that’s fallen to 34%. In 2015 only 20% of people thought fossil fuels were cheaper. Now 33% do. And 40% say renewables are the most expensive of all.

Things are shifting fast — last October 28% of Australians thought fossil fuels were the most expensive, but six months later, that has fallen to 24%.

So get ready to hear them say “we always knew it would be expensive”. It’s coming. They’re going to want to stuff “renewables are cheap” down the memory hole.

Never let them forget. We need those grovelling apologies, and with letters of resignation.
Jo Nova Blog


May 7, 2024 at 02:30AM

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