Delingpole: ‘Climate Emergency Is Real’ Warns ‘Professor Micky Mouse’ and 11,000 Other ‘Scientists’

By Paul Homewood



Dellers on that letter from 11000 “scientists”:


The world faces ‘untold suffering due to the climate crisis’, 11,000 scientists have warned in a statement published by the journal BioScience.

“We declare clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency”

Unfortunately for the statement’s credibility, among the signatories is one “Mouse, Micky [sic], Professor, at the Micky Mouse Institute for the Blind, Namibia.”

In the statement published by the journal BioScience, the scientists claim:

“We declare clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency…An immense increase of scale in endeavors to conserve our biosphere is needed to avoid untold suffering due to the climate crisis….The climate crisis is closely linked to excessive consumption of the wealthy lifestyle…To secure a sustainable future, we must change how we live…”

But while the statement has received generous coverage from the usual gullible hysterics at CBS, ABC News, CNN and the Guardian others have responded with scepticism and mockery.

Some have noted that very few of those 11,000 signatories are directly involved in climate science. They work in fields ranging from ‘family physician’, ‘vertebrate palaeontology’, ‘nano optics’ ‘economics’ to ‘civil engineering’ and ‘retired science teacher, inspector and adviser, Warwickshire County Council’. The impression given is of a vast parasite industry – the Climate Industrial Complex – with a strong vested interest in promoting the “climate emergency” but with little personal understanding of the field themselves


 Full story here.


November 7, 2019 at 08:06AM

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