Google Deleted Key Paper on COVID-19 Cure

Google blocked access to An Effective Treatment for Coronavirus (COVID-19) by James M. Todaro, MD, and Gregory J. Rigano, published on March 13, 2020. This scientific paper was widely credited (blamed by the Fake News Media) for proposing chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatments for COVID-19. Removing information about a possible cure amid a pandemic – how can people do that? Are there still humans in charge at Google?

The paper (as updated by March 18) cited successful use of chloroquine in China and hydroxychloroquine in South Korea for treatment of COVID-19 patients, in vitro experiments by Didier Raoult’s IHU, and CDC publications.

Google blocked access to or deleted An Effective Treatment for Coronavirus on March 20, 2020 – the next day after President Trump mentioned these drugs as potentially effective for COVID-19. Consequently, the health care professionals and public got impression that there was no scientific evidence of efficiency of these drugs for COVID-19.

This is escalation of the COVFEFE ‘trick’ – Google removed this word from Google Translate after Trump used it in a tweet. This time, Google misconduct has caused tens of thousands of deaths.

Notice that the paper was on a private Google Drive, not on YouTube or Google-hosted blog. It is the first time I see Google messing with a person’s Drive. I don’t know whether Google have deleted the paper or even all documents of the Google Drive’s account owner.

Google also blocked access to the Spanish language version.

Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial  by Philippe Gautret et al., reporting a successful clinical trial of HCQ+AZ in Didier Raoult’s IHU was accepted by the prestigious International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents on March 17, and published on March 20.

via Science Defies Politics

May 14, 2020 at 07:14PM

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