Thank Bigotry from The Party of Peace for the shy voter effect

The bullies in the media and academic wings of The Democrats made it dangerous to reveal voting intentions

In the Media-Bubble Donald Trump is a psychopathic, narcissist, and cowardly Nazi. And what kind of person would vote for that?  Mostly bad people. Hillbillies, old people. Toxic males — and who wants to be one of those? Even though 60 million Americans voted for Donald Trump, the ABC and CNN seem to find the gun toting militia and lonely hermits with a 6 inch beard. The only attractive Trump voters were reformed ones who were voting for Biden.

Psychology Today reviewed Trump voters and actually talks of “dog whistles” Trump sends to “bigoted supporters”, especially the evil kind of whites that don’t mix with minorities. Trump voters suffer from Authoritarian Personality Syndrome. Indeed, “support for Trump is correlated with a standard scale of modern racism.” So there. The strongest predictors of Trump support were the zip codes with more racial and ethnic isolation … because Trump voters were post code robots.

The Party of Tolerance created the toxic hate-fest of Trump voters with righteous indignation, degradation and humiliation. Everyone got the message.

Bullying is a brittle facade

Once people realize that […]

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via JoNova

November 2, 2020 at 01:29PM

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